Polümorfism (ingl k polymorphism) on olukord, mille korral käitub meetod sõltuvalt klassist erinevalt.
Polümorfism esineb siis, kui alamklass kasutab superklassis defineeritud meetodit teisel moel. Teiste sõnadega: kui superklassil ja alamklassil on olemas sama nimega meetodid, millel on sama palju argumente, ning mis teevad erinevat asja, siis on tegemist polümorfismiga.
Näide polümorfismist
# Base or superclass
class Student:
def say_hello(self):
# Extending the base class
class ITStudent(Student):
# Overriding the method with the same name from the base class
def say_hello(self):
print("Hello! Does anybody need help with their computer?")
def assist_friend(self):
print("Have you tried turning it off and on again?")
alice = Student()
mary = ITStudent()
alice.say_hello() # --> Hello!
mary.say_hello() # --> Hello! Does anybody need help with their computer?
mary.assist_friend() # --> Have you tried turning it off and on again?
Kuna klass ITStudent
on klassi Student
alamklass ja meetod say_hello
on defineeritud erinevalt ülemklassist,
on tegu polümorfismiga. Sellist olukorda nimetatakse ülekirjutamiseks (override).
Polümorfism Pythoni lähtekoodis
Python kasutab polümorfismi näiteks operaatorite kasutamisel.
Erinevate sisendite puhul käitub +
operaator erinevalt.
Kahe arvu liitmisel liidetakse kaks arvu.
>>> 1 + 1
Kahe sõne liitmisel aga ühendatakse kaks sõna omavahel.
>>> "Foo " + "Bar"
'Foo Bar'
Kahe järjendi puhul ühendatakse samuti listid omavahel üheks järjendiks.
>>> [1, 2] + [3]
[1, 2, 3]
Samuti on ka meetodeid, mida saab välja kutsuda erinevat tüüpi andmete peal ja mille käitumine on vastavalt andmetele erinev.
>>> "Foo Bar".index("Bar")
>>> ["Foo", "Bar"].index("Bar")
Põhjalikum näide pärilikkusest ja polümorfismist
class Animal:
"""Animal class."""
def __init__(self, name="None", is_pet=False):
Class constructor.
:param name: animal name
:param is_pet: pet or wild?
self.name = name
self.is_pet = is_pet
def speak(self):
return "I cannot"
def greet(self):
return self.name + " greets you!"
def is_friendly(self):
return self.is_pet
def __str__(self):
return self.name
class Dog(Animal):
"""Class Dog exends class Animal"""
def __init__(self, name, is_pet=True):
Class constructor.
:param name: dog name
:param is_pet: dog usually is a pet
# Overriding the base constructor, passing new values to self.is_pet and self.name
super().__init__(name, is_pet)
def roll(self):
Extra method, specific for this class.
def speak(self):
Overriding the base method.
By default it returns "I cannot", we change it to return "Bark!".
:return: Bark!
return "Bark!"
class Dolphin(Animal):
"""Class Dolphin extends class Animal."""
# Class constructor with two more arguments
def __init__(self, name, playful, smart):
Class constructor with two extra parameters.
:param name:
:param playful
:param smart
# Overriding the base constructor, passing new value to self.name
self.playful = playful
self.smart = smart
def is_friendly(self):
Overriding the base method.
By default if the animal is not a pet, it isn't friendly either. However in our case,
if the dolphin is in playful mood or smart, it will be friendly to us.
:return: boolean
return self.smart or self.playful
def greet(self):
Overriding the base method.
By default it returns "<name of the animal> greets you!". In our case it returns "*Water splash*".
:return: *Water splash*
return "*Water splash*"
def perform_jump(self):
Extra method, specific for this class.
if self.playful:
return "*Jumps*"
elif self.smart:
return "I will jump.. for food."
return "No."
animal = Animal()
print(animal.is_pet) # --> False
print(animal) # --> None
print(animal.is_friendly()) # --> False
print(animal.greet()) # --> None greets you!
print(animal.speak()) # --> I cannot
dog = Dog("Sparky")
print(dog.is_pet) # --> True
print(dog) # --> Sparky
print(dog.is_friendly()) # --> True
print(dog.greet()) # --> Sparky greets you!
print(dog.speak()) # --> Bark!
print(dog.roll()) # --> *rolling*
dolphin = Dolphin("Steve", False, True)
print(dolphin.is_pet) # --> False
print(dolphin) # --> Steve
print(dolphin.is_friendly()) # --> True
print(dolphin.greet()) # --> *Water splash*
print(dolphin.speak()) # --> I cannot
print(dolphin.perform_jump()) # --> I will jump.. For food.
Polümorfismi põhimõtted ja kasutamine GeeksforGeeks Polymorphism in Python artiklis.